If you want to see the lovely Clicks log on to her website for the pleasant to heart, eyes and soul clicks of this beautiful cake here is the link http://www.passionateaboutbaking.com/2011/04/bakingbarbaras-old-fashioned-chocolate-cake-with-
I am sending this to my own event Tried and Tested from Deeba's Blog of Passionate about Baking event of zlamushka's taken care of Lakshmi of Kitchen Chronicles and also ''Only Baked'' event started by Pari of foodelicious and hosted by Harini of Tamalapaku. I am sending this to Anu's event Berries - Strawberries
Sanjeeta kk
Cake looks lovely and eggles too!
Jayasri Ravi
Hi everybody, I am sorry again for writing to you all so late, thank you so much for your lovely comments, but I not really the one entitled to it!, It is Deeba and Barbara, we need to thank for this lovely recipe :)) right ?
Premalatha, I have almost written the whole thing as Deeba has written.
Rajani, dear yours was the best comment ! I laughed out so loud, No I haven't done the round-up as I have not posted the recipes from her blog!!, I am planning to do it soon.
Thanks harini, do try it out
Anu I will send these to your event sure, thanks for telling me.
Thanks krithi for the invitation
thanks vardhini, I am so honoured, I will sure check your blog
Oh! my Barbara and Deeba you have made my day what a lovely surprise to c u people in my blog, thank you so much for your lovely comments
Deeba PAB
Yay that you baked one of my favourite cakes. I love Barbara Bakes, and love that you enjoyed doing this. Thanks for the shout out!!
Barbara Bakes
Thank you for the sweet comments. I'm so glad you loved the cake as much as we did. How fun to have little helpers in the kitchen. You all did a fabulous job. It looks delicious.
Wow .. yummy and perfect. First time to your blog and following you. Thx for letting me know about the "Only" event. Will send in the pasta entry.
I am having a giveaway in my blog. Do check it out when you get a chance.
Check out my 100th post giveaway
Krithi's Kitchen
Superb cake.. lovely decoration...
You are your kids are always invited for anytime pasta.. .glad u liked it...
very interesting! should try it out sometime! thanks for sending it across.
awesome cake dear.....yummy....
The cake looks wonderful. A small question, did I miss the T&T round up by any chance? Asking this because you have sent this to the T & T event.
Premalatha Aravindhan
Gorgeous cake,well decorated and recipe is neat and clear...