Lot of people in India use these sticks as teether, for their little ones, when they are teething as it has a hardness and slowly starts melting in their mouth, well, I don't know about everybody, Most people in my family and me of course, gave my kids these sticks, carrot sticks, etc., for them to bite on when they were teething.
These sticks are quite healthy as they have Omam/ThymolCarom/Ajwain seeds in them which is good for digestion.
A few months back my kids asked me about these sticks, that was when I thought I will make these and I have made them a few times, they have always turned out well.
Here is how I made it.., well again I should thank my Padma Manni who has a Bakery in Bangalore, told me how to do these.
In the Original Recipe in In our Bakeries, they do not add cheese, I just added it to give an extra kick to the sticks :))
2 and 1/2 Cups of APS/Maida
1 tbsp of Fast Action yeast
100 gms Oil ( I used 1/4 cup oil)
25 gms of Cheese (I used Cheddar cheese) (optional)
2 tbsp of Sugar
1 tbsp of Salt
50 gms Milk powder
1 tsp Omam / Carom/Ajwain/Thymol seeds
1 and 1/2 tsp of Coriander powder (optional)
1 and 1/2 tsp Cumin powder (optional)
1 tsp of Pepper Powder (optional)
Water as required

Preheat the oven to Gas mark 5/190 degrees
It's a very simple procedure, as you can see, In a bowl take 2 to 3 tbsp of luke warm water, Add the fast acting yeast and a tsp of sugar, mix it well and leave it in a warm place for few minutes, with 15 to 20 minutes you will notice it frothing up, that means your yeast is still active, bring it to the table top and start adding the other Ingredients, add the remaining sugar, salt, powdered thyme seeds/Omam seeds, and all the masala Ingredients if you are using and the oil mix well then add the flour and grated cheddar cheese and water as required to make it into a soft dough.
Knead the dough for 5 minutes so the yeast starts acting well, then keep it aside for just 10 to 15 minutes, no need for it raise.
Knead them into long sticks cut them as desired as I have shown and bake them in a preheated oven of Gas Mark 5, Bake these sticks for around 20 to 25 minutes, when it turns gold in colour, take it out and check it to see if they are done by Inserting a tooth pick, or you can see that when moved it easily comes out, put it back in the oven reduce the Gas Mark to 3 and allow it to bake for further 10 to 15 minutes they turn golden Brown in colour, Now when you check this out they would have become more crispier, and kind of break when you hold it, like a stick.
They are just nice to munch like that, kids would certainly love it.

and it is yeast spotted.
C u Soon with another recipe, take care....
Bulk Vegetable Seeds
Great post.Thanks for sharing such a useful information with us.
Can it be done with micro wave oven mam? If so, can you please specify the temperature ?
Jayasri Ravi
Yes, it can be baked in microwave. This time when I was in India I used my sister's LG Microwave and baked some cookies and cakes. Bake these bread sticks at 190 degrees at 10 to 12 minutes before that preheat the oven, it automatically preheats at 180 degrees once it beeps immediately put your sticks to bake, hope this helps. Give it a try and tell how it turned out
Jayasri Ravi
Hi everybody, I know champa I missed it!, thanks for telling me, I checked your round-up fabulous it is :).
Hey thanks to everybody, I know I just couldn't believe that it came out really well.
veeanoo, nice to meet you!, you scared me off, when I saw your comment, I thought Oh! my God! Have I done it again, by forgetting to write what temperature, I think you are like me, reading in between the lines, I have mentioned in the first line, as mine is a Gas oven I usually write in Gas Mark. You have to change the temperatures once they are done, to get the crispiness in the stick.
can u pls tell me what temperature to bake these breadsticks....
Bread sticks looks wonderful and prefectly baked..
Looks very perfect..
Delicious and looks lovely.
Your bread sticks looks plump and has a smooth exterior. I love the flavor of omam.
Gayathri Kumar
Very crunchy and yummy..
lata raja
I have been wanting this recipe for long. Have enjoyed omam sticks forever...even when my daughter was introduced to them as teethers! Thank you Jayshri for sharing this recipe.Can't wait to try the same.
Nice recipe. The sticks have come out wonderful.Thanks for sharing
Krithi's Kitchen
Your clicks brings back old memories.. I remember now that I like these sticks and on seeing yours miss them.. gonna try sometime..
Herbs & Flowers in my Platter - Coriander/Cilantro
Now Serving
Ahaa - First Class - Baked to perfection
Now Serving
Ahaa - First Class! Baked to perfection!
Jayashree, thanks for the email. Kids delight has already been published. Thanks for this entry.THey are one of my favorites.