International Breakfast Archives - My Veg Fare Healthy, Hearty and tasty wholesome food Recipes of your choice Sun, 05 Nov 2017 00:56:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 International Breakfast Archives - My Veg Fare 32 32 Pear, Nuts and dried Fruits in swirl rolls Tue, 04 Dec 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Hi everybody, it's been a long time since I blogged, I thought I could never blog again with lots of things going on, needless to say, everything seems to get alright now, with this I won't go straight to my recipe you have to wait, I have to say a few things which are very...

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Hi everybody, it's been a long time since I blogged, I thought I could never blog again with lots of things going on, needless to say, everything seems to get alright now, with this I won't go straight to my recipe you have to wait, I have to say a few things which are very important to me.
Today is my Thanksgiving day..... I have to thank few people who have been with me, encouraged me and helped me through my blogging adventure.
Blogging has not only brought happiness to me as a passionate foodie but wonderful readers who even though I haven't posted for some time who still like my blog and some readers who still write to me asking queries which makes my day, and also my dear friends and family who have always encouraged me on this and insist I should not stop blogging.
Let me start with few of my blogger friends Swathi, Gayatri, Suzanne and Kalyani who stood with me when I was in trouble, and encouraged me to post when I could.  Thank you very much dears.
I would also like to thank Nisha, Swathi, Shabs Cp, Swasthi Blank and Meena Bhatia for helping me to get back to blogging, From Last 1 and 1/2 weeks I was trying to post my recipes and my blog was not allowing to upload any images I was so stressed out and I did know what was going on and just 2 days back I realised that I don't have any space in my Picasa Web album.  When I placed this problem in FB all these ladies helped me out and here I am blogging again.  Thanks to all of you.
I have been baking a lot these days, My bread seems to disappear quickly so I have to definitely bake bread twice at least in a week.   This bread was basically for my daughter who loves to eat her bread only with Jam, she is not like the other to eat bread with cheese, pickles and leaves.  I was planning to make cinnamon rolls, that was when I saw this month's MM#12 Kalyani announced Fruits and chocolate as the Magic Mingle Ingredients.  So, I changed the filling with fruits it turned out really tasty and smelled great.


150 gms Whole meal Strong bread flour
150 grms White Bread flour
25 grms Wheat Bran
25 grms Water Roux
1 tbsp Honey
1/2 tbsp Yeast
2/3 + 2 tbsp water
1/2 tsp salt

1 Large Pear
4 tbsp of soft Brown sugar
4 tbsp chopped dried fruits ( Papaya, Mango, pineapple)
3  tbsp chopped Nuts ( Almond, cashew, pista, walnut )
1 tbsp Honey
1/2 Cadbury flake
1/8th tsp Cinnamon powder and Nutmeg powder

Sieve together flours and bran, In a large bowl take yeast with 2 tbsp water and Honey and leave it for few minutes you can see small bubbles forming up that means our yeast is active now to this add all the remaining Ingredients under the Rolls add water as required, My flour needed 2/3 cup of water.
Just remember If you have prepared the Roux just then the flour might need more water, But if you had made it earlier like a day before and if it was stored in the fridge, add water little by little as you might not require the same amount of water and make it into a soft dough.
Knead dough for at least 10 minutes oil the dough and leave it to raise or double in size for at least 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours in a warm place
Meanwhile, make your filling.
Peel and chop pear into small pieces.  In a thick bottomed bowl take 4 tbsp of sugar, Honey and chopped pear and cook on a low flame with a lid closed after some time the pear becomes nicely cooked to this add the other Ingredients this helps in most of the liquid to get evaporated.  (do not add any water honey, sugar and the water in the pear helps it to get cooked ). It will be of semi-solid consistency, leave it to cool down.
Once the dough is raised punch it down and bring them all together, sprinkle some flour on to the surface and flatten the dough into a rectangle spread the cooled down filling on to it and roll down it from the long end.
Cut it down into 7 pieces, In each one of the pieces close one end of the filling by bringing together the dough together and place them on to the baking tray, line the tray with a parchment paper.
Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 / 180 degree
Leave the rolls for another 1/2 hour covered with a cling film the rolls rise again in a warm place. Once they raise.
Bake these rolls in a preheated oven at Gas Mark 4 / 180 degrees for around 25 minutes ( Check your oven temperatures ) until well done.
Take it out and leave it on a cooling rack.
Once it a bit cool enjoy these rolls...
Hope you like it...
stay tuned for more recipes to come soon......

This recipe goes to Magic Mingle #12 and also to Bake-a-thon.

Thanks to Champa of Versatile Vegetarian Kitchen who hosts Bake-a-thon every year, Last year I was planning to participate and before it began my computer busted and I just had to leave the group.  This year they had already started which I noticed today and wrote to her.  She and the other bloggers agreed to include me in their month-long baking marathon only this year it's going to be only for 3 days in a week and here I am with my first bake for this event.  The other bloggers who are with  Bake-a-thon are Preethi, Srivalli, Priya, Veena and sumana Deepak.

This recipe is also Yeast spotted.
Seniding this to Kriti's event, Brown sugar - know your sweetness, started by Jagruti

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Nova Scotia Canadian Oatmeal Rolls Mon, 13 Aug 2012 19:00:00 +0000 I know you must be wondering two posts in a day, I am not surprised, because last post was completely ready to post on the festival day, but missed posting it and it just carried on.. :), so decided to post it today morning, and this post is definitely will be posted today, as you...

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I know you must be wondering two posts in a day, I am not surprised, because last post was completely ready to post on the festival day, but missed posting it and it just carried on.. :), so decided to post it today morning, and this post is definitely will be posted today, as you all know today is SRC time :). The Secret Recipe Club is my Favourite time...

Every month I usually forget the dates and days for the posting of the events I participate, but with SRC I usually never forget the date, but most of the time I take a last minute decision to make the recipe, as I keep going through the blog whole month wondering what shall I make, but keep going through the blog, I think I usually get stuck to the recipe on the first round I look at a recipe and end up making it.
This month suzanne, My host has assigned me to Belcher town bites, of German mama, This is a blog from A to Z means Arepas to zwetschgen, totally wondering now right ?, I think she has baked and cooked from A to Z from every place on the Globe. If you want to find a recipe from some country just look into her blog you will find it, I couldn't really go through the whole blog, too many recipes to choose from, I first thought making some salad she has some 35 different salads!!, then wanted to try Turkish bread, but when I was googling, I was wondering about the toppings and the way it is made so the next one I kept going to was these Canadian Oatmeal rolls, the Maple syrup and oat meal attracted me to that recipe. She has wonderful blog with some amazing names and different recipes from nook and corner of the world.
Let's get back to the recipe then, I was browsing through google and was wondering what was so different about the oatmeal rolls, I have always baked oatmeal in my recipes but this was a little different.  I found out that they have used Eggs in one website, I found this recipe made with molasses I adapted some things from this recipe but left out molasses. I wanted to stick to the basic recipe from her blog but made with minor changes from her blog and made these rolls, they were delicious and turned out very well.
I really don't know how exactly the rolls are made, I wouldn't say that this is the authentic recipe, if any of you know the exact recipe do pass it on to me..
Here is how I made them...

Recipe adapted from Belcher town bites with minimal changes
Cuisine: Canada
Preparation: 20 minutes
Total time Pre-Baking: 5 hours
Baking time : 20 -25 minutes

1/4 Cup / 60 ml Milk
1 Cup / 100 gms Old fashioned Oats
1 Cup boiling water
1/4 cup / 60ml Maple syrup
2 tbsp oil
1 and 1/2 tsp salt
1 and 3/4th tsp Active dried yeast*
325 gms whole wheat Bread flour
1/4 Cup/  Wheat Germ (optional)**
50 gms/ 1/4 cup Cranberries
1/4 cup Orange Juice

* I had my last bit of yeast 1 and 3/4th tsp so I just used what I had so I had to change the recipe accordingly.
** I saw this added in one of the recipe links I found so just adapted it to make it healthier, so it is totally optional, you can substitute whole wheat flour or All purpose flour of 350 grms.

In a little bowl take cranberries, soak them in orange juice.
In a bowl take old fashioned oats, salt and  Maple syrup.
Pour boiling water over this oats  mix well and leave it for some time until it cools down. once you know it is nearly cooling down.
In a large bowl take yeast and 2tbsp of warm water leave it for 5 minutes.
Once you bubbles forming up and this makes you sure your yeast is active, add Oil and the Oatmeal mixture to it with wheat germ and whole wheat bread flour.
Combine them all well together use water if needed I did not use any extra water, knead the dough for 10 minutes, the dough might be a bit sticky, keep kneading just dipping your hand in the flour now and then the dough becomes soft and nice.
Drain the cranberries from the juice spread the dough, add the cranberries to it, mix well into it.
Oil the bowl and the dough Keep it in a warm place for at least 1 and 1/2 hour or until the dough doubles in size.
Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 3 / 170degree
Punch the dough once it is doubled, make 9 balls out of it, In a baking sheet sprinkle some flour and keep these on it, press them a bit.
Leave these rolls for an other 1/2 an hour or so or until you see that the rolls are rising again.
Sprinkle some oats on it and brush it with milk or either way.
Increase the Oven to Gas Mark 4, place the baking tray and bake for total 20 minutes.
After 10 minutes turn the tray for equal baking and reduce the temperature to Gas Mark 3 and bake for an other 10 minutes.
Remove the tray from the oven and place it on a cooling rack, after 5 minutes remove them from the tray and place them on the cooling rack, Just to ensure the base of the rolls don't get soggy because of the heat from the tray.
leave them to cool, slice them or top them with maple syrup and enjoy these delicious rolls.

Check out all SRC members from my group who enjoyed baking and cooking like me ... I am so looking forward like you all to see what they have been doing.... Enjoy...

Sending this to
Let's Party - Go bake it, of Surabhi Nayak
Love Lock series  - Bread of Divya's culinary journey started by Vidya
Bon Viviant - Baked Goodies by summes culinary bites
{*Linking to Bake Fest hosted by FOODOMANIA*} started by Vardhini
and it is Yeast Spotted !!!

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Muffuletta Bread Sandwich from New Orleans (vegetarian version) for CCC Mon, 07 May 2012 16:00:00 +0000 Bread and Sandwiches have become a common thing at home, as my kids prefer to take Sandwiches to school, sometimes with veggies and sometimes Jam and even sometimes with dry curries or sometimes with Indian sandwich.  While Googling through for Sandwiches I went through my Book marked recipes, I found this recipe which I had...

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New Orleans Muffuletta BreadBread and Sandwiches have become a common thing at home, as my kids prefer to take Sandwiches to school, sometimes with veggies and sometimes Jam and even sometimes with dry curries or sometimes with Indian sandwich.  While Googling through for Sandwiches I went through my Book marked recipes, I found this recipe which I had book marked, as I love Baking Bread, I had fallen for this recipe as this would satisfy my kids for sure and me too.
I had Book marked this recipe from Nola Cuisine long back, because my kids were not a big fan of Olives I kept postponing this, and as I have loads of BM's it was quite forgotten, when I was going through the BM's if I noticed this one!, I always check my Book marked recipes before trying any thing new.  Now my kids now adding them now and then in pizza and other recipes.  They don't mind eating it,  Now they like topping olives always in their pizzas and like to eat them just as it is, I love Olives too.., this recipe has loads of olives and with some spiciness, my kids would love it, As this recipe is usually made with meat, I adapted it to Vegetarian version, he suggests loads of things so I just used what I liked.
I have never been to New Orleans and never tasted this bread sandwich, so If anybody has any kind of doubts do click on the links below and ask Nola. Here is only my version of the filling which is vegetarian hope you all like and try it 🙂

You must be wondering about today's recipe and why all this introduction : Yup, Today is the day for the Crazy Cooking Challenge, She Challenged us to bake Grilled Cheese Sandwich, As per the rules we have to adapt a recipe from an other blog, I Chose this Blog of Nola Cuisine and would love to thank both Tina Messick - Hudgens and Nola for this wonderful recipe, which I wouldn't have tried other wise so soon.., Thanks to both of you...

Basically this recipe is adapted from New Orleans Central Grocery according to Nola Cuisine  :
No trip to New Orleans is complete for me without a trip to Central Grocery for a Muffuletta. Detractors can fill the comments section with why they dislike the Central Grocery Muffuletta and why their favorite is so much better, have at it, but for my money Central Grocery does everything right with the sandwich that is said to have been created here by Salvatore Lupo.
Salvatore Lupo, a Sicilian immigrant opened the store in 1906 and operated it until 1946 when he retired and passed the reins to his son-in law Salvatore Tusa. The Muffuletta is said to have been invented early on to feed the Sicilian and Italian truck drivers who were driving produce, etc. to The French Market. The store is still in the family and has changed little over the years, with the exception of increased tourist traffic. Salvatore Lupo’s daughter, Marie Lupo Tusa released a cookbook in 1980 called Marie’s Melting Pot

.Central Grocery is an old style Italian market, with Italian imports, pasta, olive oil, meats, cheeses as well as local New Orleans Creole items.
Check out his website for beautiful photos from New Orleans ,  with beautiful clicks of the Sandwich bread and if you want to try out the Original sandwich bread with meat check out his blog for details...
(Pronouced as : moof-fuh-Leht-tuh or moo-foo-le-ta)

(Makes one big loaf of 10'')
2 Cups All Purpose Flour (I used 310 grms)
1 Cup Bread Flour White ( I used 165 grms)
1 Cup Luke warm water
1 tbsp Sugar
1/2tbsp + 1 tsp Active Dry yeast ( Original recipe calls for 1 tbsp )
1 and 1/2 tsp Salt
2 tbsp Vegetable Shortening
1 and 1/2 tbsp Sesame seeds
3 tbsp Olive Oil
In a Large Bowl, add yeast and sugar, with 2 to 3 tbsp of water (luke warm water), No hot water as it will kill the yeast and leave it in a warm place for 5 to 10 minutes.  I always do this to check if the yeast is still active.
The yeast starts bubbling up, so now you know yeast is ready, to this add rest of the Ingredients said above, Except water and Olive oil.
Mix everything very well until they combine, Now start adding water and bring it to a ball, if it is a little bit sticky not to worry, Dip your hands in the flour and start kneading the dough
I just dipped twice, the dough comes out very well, knead for 10 minutes that would be enough.
Pour the 3 tbsp of Olive oil coating the dough. cover it with a cling film and leave it for 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours depending upon the temperature you live or until the dough is doubled.
Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 1 with a bowl of water underneath, and sprinkle some water on the pizza stone.
Remove the cling film, Punch the dough and bring them all together, might be a bit oily mix them handling it softly then take a Baking sheet and put a parchment paper on top of it, spread this dough around 10'' in diameter and sprinkle sesame seeds on top of it, again cover it with a cling film.
Leave it for 1/2 to 1 hour it will raise again, take out the cling film, Brush it with milk.
Increase the oven temperature to 425 degree F/ 220 degree Celsius / Gas Mark 7 Slide the Baking parchment on to the pizza stone and bake for 10 minutes.

Then turn down the oven temperature to 375 degree F/ Gas Mark 5 / 190 degree Celsius then bake for 20 more minutes.
New Orleans Muffuletta Bread
Switch off the stove and take out the bread, leave it on a cooling rack until it completely cools down then cut in half place the filling and sandwich Grill it, cutting them into 4 pieces and Enjoy....

Check out Nola cuisine Blog for the Olive salad, I have changed it by making it vegetarian and few changes with the salad too.., to suit our taste. This recipe can be used for 2 Loaves of you go with the recipe...

1 Cup Green Olives with pimento stuffed
1 Cup Calamatta Olives pitted
3 fresh Garlic Cloves
3 tbsp of Fresh parsley
1 tbsp of Italian Dried Herbs
1 tbsp of fresh Oregano
1tsp Red Pepper flakes ( I used Chilli flakes)
1/2 Roasted Green  Bell Pepper ( green Capsicum)
1 Roasted Red Bell Pepper ( Red Capsicum)
3 tbsp of Red Jalapenos
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
2 to 3 tbsp of Olive Oil

1 Red onion
Cheese ( as much as you want !!)

On a stove top place the oiled peppers and garlic and roast it till it gets blackened ( not completely), then take it out and leave it until needed
Then chop the Olives in half, Parsley and Oregano chopped, add dried herbs, chilli flakes, salt, pepper and olive oil.
Now cut the red pepper in half remove the top and you will bit of water in them discard the water, then chop both the peppers
Crush the Roasted Garlic in a pestle and mortar .
Add all this to the salad mix well and leave it for at 3 to 4 hours or you can leave it overnight which helps in developing the flavour very well.


Cut the bread half, then again slice the bread into 4 parts, arrange the Olive salad on the bread, Sprinkle cheese as you wish sandwich the bread, Place it on a Grill / Panini for few minutes, until the cheese melts.

Remove it and serve it on a plate and see your family devouring it, with a big smile and asking you to make it again and again :))

MY VERDICT: I just couldn't go without saying anything about this, as the Bread was a foolproof recipe, the Olive Salad was so delicious, I had it going for next two days and they have asked me to make it again and again.  The smell of this sandwich is so delicious, you can't keep your hands of it... Enjoy making this if you ever made this seeing in my blog, do tell me about it and definitely write to Nola cuisine how much you liked as you need to give credit to the Original Recipe maker right ?

Check out here for all my other fellow Bloggers who enjoyed this challenge just like me.. and vote for me if you like my sandwich...  This recipe is yeast spotted too....

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Carrot and Raisin Sweet Bread - whole meal & Oats Sat, 14 Apr 2012 00:37:00 +0000 Hi everybody, Hope you all had a wonderful day today -  Today being the Tamil New year's day for Tamilians , Vishu for Malyalees and Baisaki for Punjabi's and Bihu for Assamese. I would take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year ahead..... Don't wonder why am I posting a Bread recipe on a festival day, well of course,...

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Hi everybody, Hope you all had a wonderful day today - 
Today being the Tamil New year's day for Tamilians , Vishu for Malyalees and Baisaki for Punjabi's and Bihu for Assamese.
I would take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year ahead.....
Don't wonder why am I posting a Bread recipe on a festival day, well of course, I did celebrate with a very light note, You have to be in India to get into the festive spirit that is what I think, I usually have somebody, friends of course to join me in all the festival celebrations.., today I had nobody, that was quite sad.., Anyway my kids enjoyed the food I made, I will post it on a later date...
It was really a beautiful day, lots of sunshine, think of carrots and you feel very summary.., when I see carrots I think of those cute little rabbits.. few days back I had called my sis, her 7 year old son never speaks with anybody on phone, he dreads it so badly, to just make him talk to me, she said Ammajechi (that's what all the kids call me at home!, I have little story for that, I will write about it someday) is really sad why don't you cheer up her with some jokes.., he really got excited was that my luck, I really don't know but enjoyed his jokes for at least 1/2 an hour, one of his jokes which he read in Chandamama was -
Teacher : Kids tell me why should you eat Carrots ?
Student : Sir, Because Carrots are good for eyes.
Teacher : How do you know that carrots are good for eyes ?
student : Because Sir, Have you ever seen a Rabbit wearing Glasses
:), Hope you liked it too.., that book was my favourite when I was a kid, and he reads it, isn't it amazing that book still is running but only a bit thinner I suppose so I was informed.
Coming back to the recipe.., as I usually bake a bread every week for my son particularly as he like to take sandwich in his lunch box, and he loves these home made breads. especially when you know if I allow him to eat Nutella, that is what he enjoyed the whole week. He said the bread so soft and fantastic.
Here is how I made it..., First of all as it was late in the evening, I was a bit worried about the dough rising so I decided I will bake this in my Bread Machine, so I started with all the procedures for the bread machine, but the end I did not want to bake it in there, I had never tried this out as I had only baked around 4 times in the machine.., I was scared that interrupting it would destroy my bread, so I just used it until the second rising, then switched off the machine, took it out slowly and placed it in my loaf tin, The bread was quite big, I think it was weighing 1250 gms or more. If you plan to bake this BM, watch out that it might touch the top. But, to my astonishment it turned out very well you can see for yourself.
2 tsp Instant yeast
115 gms light Brown Sugar
221 gms Grated Carrots 
1/4 cup Raisins
1/4 cup oil
1tsp salt
4 tbsp Milk powder
3/4 th Cup + 2 tbsp water
Set the Bread Machine to sweet Bread mode.
Combine flours, salt and milk powder well together, either sieve them together or mix by hand. 
Pour water and oil  into the loaf tin (Bread machine) 
Then add  carrots, Next add the flour on top of it covering the water.
Then make a little dent or hole in the flour, here add the yeast.
close the lid and start the process,
After mixing, it makes a sound allowing us to add more ingredients here I added Raisins and close the lid again.
It starts its process again, 
Meanwhile preheat the oven to Gas Mark 5/190 degrees, Keep a bowl of water underneath the rack.
I allowed the Bread Machine to completely its second rising process, then I switched of the machine, took out the raised dough and placed it on to the Baking Loaf tin.

Left it on the counter for 15 to 20 minutes covered just to make sure it will come back its shape again.
I also covered the loaf tin with a aluminium foil loosely but fixed it to the tin well enough so it does not come off.
Then Put the tin into the middle rack and reduce the oven temperature to Gas Mark 4/180 degrees, I usually bake my breads around this temperature, (as i am still not able understand my oven so make sure you know your oven)
Covering with the foil ensures that the bread doesn't have a dark colour on the top because sugar in the bread tends to make the bread change the crust into a darker colour.
Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, to ensure the bread has baked to perfection after 40 minutes take out the foil and insert a long skewer into it, If it comes out clean then your bread has done, other wise leave it for an other 10 minutes and check again, if the skewer comes out clean your bread is done.
Take the bread out and leave it on the wire rack, after 5 minutes, turn over the loaf out of the tin on to the wire rack, leave it on its side or totally upside down.
This helps in bread from having a soggy  base and further cooking, Leave the bread to cool completely before you slice the bread.
When the bread is still warm, it will still be in its baking process.
If you are going to bake by hand...
In a large bowl, First take yeast, a tsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of water and leave it for sometime, when it bubbles up, add Oil and then add the combined flours (which is already combined with salt + sugar + Milk powder)., Then add the grated carrots and 1/2 cup of water and start mixing it with the help of a strong spatula, then keep adding the water until it is well combined.
The dough might be a bit sticky use your Atta Grinder or food processor to knead the dough.
Or use your hand and knead the dough, as the dough might be sticky, dip your palm into the flour now and then and knead again.
Oil a bowl and place the dough and cover it with a cling film, after its first rise, punch down the dough then add the raisins and knead it into the dough, don't knead it too hard and spoil the air formed in it. shape the dough in the loaf tin and proceed with baking as above.
 This bread was especially baked for Magic mingle of Kalyani's #4, she had asked us to use Carrots and Raisins as the challenge.., Hope she likes it and you too.., Try out and tell me if you liked it.., If you have any other variations do tell me I would like to try it out...
I am also linking this to 
Healthy morsels - Pregnancy by 4 bloggers
Snacks recipes by my easy to cook recipes
Divya's Showcase - your lunch box
Sumee's Breakfast ideas - Bon Viviant #3
Sumee's - Bake fest #6 started by Vardhini
Srav's spring seasonal foods 
Kalyani's CWS - Oats started by Priya

and also this bread is Yeastspotted!!

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Peasant Boule with Wheat Germ and Fresh Herbs Wed, 01 Feb 2012 00:28:00 +0000 Hi everybody, I know I am in a baking spree...., actually I hadn't thought of baking anything as I had baked two breads already!, will post them soon, but you know how I get tempted when I see breads, I saw this post of sanjeeta's in my blogger. I was so interested and immediately baked...

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Hi everybody, I know I am in a baking spree...., actually I hadn't thought of baking anything as I had baked two breads already!, will post them soon, but you know how I get tempted when I see breads, I saw this post of sanjeeta's in my blogger. I was so interested and immediately baked this boule.

Abbey Dodge does a #Baketogether group and asks bloggers to bake with her and they are allowed to change it as they wish, I had book marked this page last time and I had completely forgotten about it.., as Sanjeeta of Lite bite says, I love my curry, rice and chapatis, but when it comes to baking bread, it is so theraupatic and thrilling for me when the dough rises and when baking I act like a kid and enjoy it so much..., how I can resist baking.., I usually use different flours to bake.., but decided this time not to do anything with the flour, as I thought this I will bake it as a loaf so my kids can use this for their Lunch box..., as the bread is is full of flavour and with cheese it will be great to taste.
Here is my version of Peasant Boule.... with Abby Dodge....

400 gms White Bread Flour
50 gms Wheat Germ
1 tbsp Rosemary
1 tbsp Parsley
1 tbsp thyme
2 tbsp of dried Peppers
1 Packet (around 2 and 1/2 tsp) active dried yeast
1 tbsp Sugar
1 and 1/2 tsp Salt
4 tbsp Olive oil
1 and 1/3 Cup warm water*
Take 1/3 cup of warm water to this add dried yeast and then sugar and just allow it stay in a warm place for 5 minutes.., I always do this even though it is an active dried yeast which doesn't require this necessarily, it is for me to assure myself or shall I say double check if my yeast is still active!
You can see little bubbles foaming up ! Yup! that means our yeast is active..
Next add salt, chopped fresh herbs and oil mix well to this add the measured flour and Wheat Germ with the help of a spatula start mixing it up by adding water, the water which has been indicated makes the dough a bit sticky not to worry, 
With Lightly floured hands start kneading the dough for 10 minutes, I do not wish to you use more flour, so I did my hands in the flour what ever is stuck is fine this way you will not be using extra flour start kneading the dough  this way the gluten will start working well.
Knead the dough for 10 minutes then oil the dough and place it in a bowl and cover it with a cling film which gives space for the dough to rise for around 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the outside temperature.
Preheat the oven to to 190 degrees/Gas Mark 6 for 10 minutes
Once it is double the volume punch it down and knead it very lightly handle it carefully again and place it into the Loaf tin and allow it for the second rise.
Bake the loaf for half an hour to 40 minutes, until the bread is golden on the top, I check it out with a stick inserted to check if it is completely baked.
Take it out and leave it on the rack for 2 to 3 minutes then turn it over and remove it from the tin, If you leave it in the tin sometimes because of the heat of the tin they become soggy.., when you tap the bottom it sounds hollow that means your bread has been baked perfectly 🙂
Sometimes I put it back into the loaf tin inverted and bake for a further 2 to 3 minutes, and turn it out from the tin again, this way the whole bread gets a kind of crispiness.
Hope you enjoyed my Peasant boule, thanks to Abbey and to sanjeeta..., without her post I wouldn't have baked this bread. Check out Sanjeeta's healthy oatmeal honey Peasant boule.
Check out other bloggers who have baked with Abbey for bake together.....
Hopefully I will take some more photos of my bread tomorrow and update it again...
c u soon... take care....
I am sending this to vardhini's bake fest co-hosted by anusha of  Tomato blues

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Potato Slices with Sauteed Mushrooms Wed, 27 Jul 2011 19:05:00 +0000 Kids, kids, kids, My life revolves around my kids, Everyday I try to please them, please myself when I serve food for them, please them..?, sometimes It's like a big question mark,  if I cook everyday Authentic Indian food suddenly their likes changes into dislikes.  They love variation in their everyday food, I keep telling them this...

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Kids, kids, kids, My life revolves around my kids, Everyday I try to please them, please myself when I serve food for them, please them..?, sometimes It's like a big question mark,  if I cook everyday Authentic Indian food suddenly their likes changes into dislikes.  They love variation in their everyday food, I keep telling them this is not a restaurant, and you know what they say, ''Of course mum, we know, but this is Mum's kitchen, she loves us and will cook us whatever we like''. howzthat ?.
My passion for cooking all started of as a teenager as I loved trying out new dishes, I made my first Ice cream when I was in my year 10, we had to our own new house and we had bought a new fridge-freezer, while I was in year 10, I wasn't living with my parents at that year. Moving back to our own house means new place, finding new friends was very slow, so I used to indulge myself in cooking and creating!, I was so thrilled when I made my first Ice cream using the Mixie,  It had turned out so well.  I used to cook lot of North Indian cuisines, and my sisters friends and my cousins were best guests, Actually, I had kind of become a famous cook, everybody loved having food apart from the authentic food mum always cooked, when I cooked my relatives used to ask me as if I am an expert on how I prepared and the expertise in cooking them. In those days I  used to cook like in restaurant style with no restrictions or compromises with Oil or Coconut and the dish would always turn out perfect.
Now a days, I have become too aware of lot of things I use in my cooking, so I try to avoid lot of them or use them in limited quantities, but when cooking or baking to kids, I try not to be too restrictive as it is the age for them to enjoy eating something unhealthy now and then :).
Coming back to the recipe, definitely not a unhealthy one, I have used brown bread not a white one.
Check out, Kids loved it...
Sorry about the Clicks it is my daughter who has taken the photo, I should buy her a camera, you can't really see the potato slices it is behind the mushrooms :).


I will not be able to give you exact measurements as I just made this in an impulse so please use the ingredients to your taste.

3 Medium Sized Potatoes
1/4 Cup Sun flower seeds
1 onion finely chopped
1 tbsp Coriander leaves
1 tsp finely chopped Green chillies
1/4 cup Grated Cheddar cheese (optional)
1 or 2 tbsp of Corn flour as required (or an Egg if you prefer)
Oil to toast  as required

Variations: Instead of Green chilies use Pepper powder/Chilli powder or you can omit it.
you can even use coriander powder, cumin powder, chat powders just gives it more kick to the recipe.

Using a pestle and mortar crush Sunflower seeds, clean and chop Green chillies and coriander leaves, Chop Onions, Grate Cheese if you prefer to use it.
Next cook the whole potatoes (use firm potatoes such as New potatoes and they don't become mushy when cooked) and Peel the Potato skins then grate the Potatoes using the large holes.
Mix all the above in a big bowl, with required salt (I have asked you to grate potatoes in the end as the potatoes change colour if they come in contact with air).
So, keep everything ready grate the potatoes in the end and mix them all well together.
As you know when you grate potatoes they give out water, So add Corn flour as needed just to give them a binding, and make it into ball.
Now pinch plum sized balls out of it flatten them into a square as I wanted to use it in the sandwich as you can see in the photos.
Put it on a Girdle/tawa/pan with a few spoons of oil (2 to 3 tsp) toast them both sides pressing them until they change colour and become golden brown and well cooked.
Now your Potato slices are ready, they can be consumed just like that or sandwich them between two buttered toasts and serve them with Sauteed Mushrooms.

I have used Chestnut mushrooms, In a wok, add a knob of butter, if you don't mind eating with stalks to the mushrooms or remove the stalks and saute them until soft, the juices come out, then sprinkle some salt and pepper if preferred or just serve them with toast.
you will really like it 🙂

Hope you enjoy this as my kids did...
I love to send this to Dish it out ''Mushrooms and Onions'' event - of Kalyani from itsnotmadrasi who is hosting this event started by Zesty palette-Vardhini
I am also sending this to serve it grilled of Kriti's kitchen. and after a long time I am sending this to Hearth and soul 

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Moroccan Holiday Bread Thu, 02 Dec 2010 00:12:00 +0000 I made this from my Bread Book, quick I had to think that I want to make something ASAP, as today I have to post it for the BBD# 34 - Baking Bread with Grains, which is my favourite event, I was going through lot of recipes, and I remembered I had some grains in...

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I made this from my Bread Book, quick I had to think that I want to make something ASAP, as today I have to post it for the BBD# 34 - Baking Bread with Grains, which is my favourite event, I was going through lot of recipes, and I remembered I had some grains in the cupboard which I could use.
The Authors say that this bread has a very Interesting flavour..., in their own words...
''The addition of Maize meal and cornucopia of seeds gives this superb loaf an interesting flavour and texture''.


Well the loaf turned out well, but I am not a very satisfied person when it comes to bread baking, as I go through lot of bread baking blogs and wonder with all those technical hydration they talk about, create steaming, baking stones, kneading and so many things, which makes me feel very sad, that I am not able to get into that kind of exposure, even somethings I understand I am not able to provide myself with so many equipments required for a successful Bread Baking, Just like those puds and desserts the chefs create!, I envy them all, nah, just kidding.., may be someday I might be able to learn some part of all those things :)) or 🙁 ?!!!.... Let's leave my face and come back to the recipe.., I enjoy baking all that matters..., and my kids do enjoy my Breads (they think the world of their mum!) Bless them...
I should say everything went well with this Bread except I forgot to check the baking !, my husband reminded me that why is the oven on ( that's because I was posting my recipes for the events at that time and I forgot all about my bread in the oven ) , I ran to find that the bread was completely done!, I switched off the oven and took the Bread out of the oven to cool down, that is why all the seeds got burnt!, but after it got cooled the crust wasn't too bad, and it sliced out very well.

I made little changes to this dough as I did not want to bake a big loaf, so here are the measurements.
1 cup All Purpose flour
1/2 cup of Maize meal
1/4 cup of Rye flour(Recipe did not call for this)
1/2 tsp Salt
1tbsp of dried yeast
1/4 + 2 tbsp of Luke warm water
1/4 Cup Milk
2 to 3 tbsp of Olive oil ( Recipe doesn't call for this)
1 tbsp of Linseeds
1 tbsp of Sunflower kernels
1 and 1/2 tbsp os Pumpkin seeds
In a  bowl as I always do put the yeast into it, and add 2 to 3 tbsp of the luke warm water with 1/4 tsp of sugar mix well and keep aside in a warm place for 10 to 15 minutes just to check if the yeast is still active, after few minutes you can see the bubbles forming up and raising. 
Meanwhile Sift the flours and salt together, Now add the milk and remaining water to the yeast mixture stir  in well.
In a large bowl take the sifted flours make a well in the centre pour the yeast mixture to it and mix thoroughly into a fairly soft dough, In this part my dough got a little bit sticky, but learning from mistakes I did not add any extra flour just smeared a little bit of oil to my hand gathered the dough and strated folding and twisting and kneading the dough with a touch of oil and twice dipping my hand into the flour shake the extra flour and knead it, until it started to gather into a nice and elastic soft dough.
Then I oiled the bowl and cover the dough container with a cling film and left it to double in volume in a warm place, it must have 2 to 2 1/2 hours as it was quite cold here.
After its first raise I turned the dough on to a lightly floured surface and knock back. Gently I kneaded the sunflower and linseeds into the dough and shaped it into a round ball then put into my basket to raiseto double in volume again for around 1 and 1/2 hour in a warm place.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200 degree Centigrade/Gas mark 6/400 degree F, 
After the second raise,  Brushed the top of the loaf with water and sprinkled the Pumpkin seeds over the top, I slowly transferred it on to my baking sheet, Bake the loaf 30 to 35 minutes or according to your oven or until it is golden and sounds hollow when tapped on the base of the bread, Transfer the loaf on to a wire rack to cool.
This was the Loaf which came out of the oven!
The Autors gave some variations bascially they topped the loaf with sunflower seeds and filled the loaf with pumpkin and sesame seeds.
They say to incorporate all the seeds into the loaf and leave the loaf top plain or instead of sunflower seeds top it with Sesame seeds. Here is the picture of the original recipe..........

I am sending this to the Bread Baking event # 34 hosted by zesty south Indian kitchen of swathi started by Zora of Koch topf and also to Bake off event of Champa's and it is also yeast spotted!
Huray 3 in one enjoy.....
c u soon take care............

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Sweet Potato Pugliese Bread Sun, 01 Aug 2010 23:54:00 +0000 Hi, I am sending this of to BBD#32, started by zorra which is hosted by Family & Food & other things. Hope I have not messed this month again and I hope she will count me in.  I heard or rather Googled that Pugliese is a Italian Bread!, I did not know where to find the original...

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Hi, I am sending this of to BBD#32, started by zorra which is hosted by Family & Food & other things. Hope I have not messed this month again and I hope she will count me in.  I heard or rather Googled that Pugliese is a Italian Bread!, I did not know where to find the original recipe, so, when I was searching I came across this breadin thefreshloaf, where I do not understand lot of things about baking as they talk about in percentages and Hydration! which are like a big mystery to me, when I was looking through I came across this recipe and fell in love with it the clicks and the simpleness in the recipe made me that I could try this out! This person blogs in breadbakingbassplayer, check out his blog for a detailed description of the reicpe.

I came to know through blogging Italians love sweet potatoes as they love their breads and use this veggie in lot of their baking and cooking!


400gms All purpose flour

100gms Bread Flour
60 gms whole wheat flour (I used Chapati flour pillsbury)
20 gms Rye flour

493 gms of water

14 gms kosher salt
1 tsp active dry yeast
125gms Mashed sweet potato

First of all peel sweet potato and cut them into into small chunks measure 125gms, Take these sweet potatoes in a bowl with just enough water to cover and bring it to boil until the chunks get well cooked, until it can be mashed easily.
When the sweet potato is well cooked drain the water into an other bowl, separate them but do not throw away the liquid preserve it. Let it cool.
Now take the cooked sweet potato with the liquid and process in a mixie or a blender until there are no chunks of sweet potato.
Taking the exact measurments of the dry ingredients place them in a large bowl and mix well with a spatuala or a wooden spoon then add the sweet potato liquid measure, and mix into the dough leave the dough for covered for about 20-30 minutes to autolyse.
After the first rest mix the dough again with the wooden spoon until the dough becomes smooth and wraps around the wooden spoon, (It was very sticky) Turn the dough onto to a heavily floured work surface, and knead as you always knead for your breads folding, stretching method and returning dough to covered bowl between turns. Repeat this at 20 minute intervals 4 times.  At the last turn, let dough rise in covered bowl undisturbed for another 90 minutes or until it rises into double in size.
After the final rise, turn dough out onto heavily floured work surface, gently stretch and fold dough into thirds with the last fold overlapping the first and divide into two loaves.
Form the loaves by a overlapping fold and keep them seam side down on heavilly floured tea towels, and as he says not to handle the dough too much so the air pockets are preserved.
Flour the tea towels and cover the remaining bread with the towels and again allow it raise for about 45 minutes or until it is double in size, the dough should spring back when touched.
He bakes these loaves in a baking stone, as I do not have a baking stone I chose to bake them in a loaf pan.
Preheat the oven to 500 degree Fahernheit for about 45 minutes at least.
Turn the loaves seam side up and place directly on to the baking stone if you are baking his way, I just baked in the loaf tin when baking reduce the temprature 450 degrees Fahrenheit, and bake for about 40-45 minuts turning them to 180 degrees half way into baking time.or until a knife through comes out clean.
Once they are done, allow it to completely cool before cutting.


I halved the recipe and used less water than said in the recipe as it too sticky for me to handle, but I want to try it out again the way he has done it, I was little worried about it!, But the loaves were still well done, soft in the centre and had a very crusty layer.
To tell you the truth, I did the first kneading and after that the 3 more 20 minute interval kneading was done by my son, with the help of a wooden spoon!, as I had to go out for an urgent errand!, and he did not want to touch it as it was sticky even I reduced the quantity of water as he mentioned!!, after I came back I continued with the remaining process.
My Family enjoyed it with a garlic based butter, and they finished the whole loaf within an hour of baking!!
I also like to send this to Susan's yeast spotting !!

Please donot forget to check his blog for the Original recipe and a feast to your eyes when you see the bread and you will certainly understand why I insisted!!.
Happy Baking...

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Broi'che with vanilla Cre'me patisserie BBD #29 Sat, 01 May 2010 23:01:00 +0000 Hi everybody, I know I am really crazy and obsessed with baking, I would like to write too much as I am very short of time and want to post is as soon as possible as it is 11:32!!, and my computer has become very slow and keeps stucks now and then!! This month's Bread...

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Hi everybody, I know I am really crazy and obsessed with baking, I would like to write too much as I am very short of time and want to post is as soon as possible as it is 11:32!!, and my computer has become very slow and keeps stucks now and then!!
This month's Bread Baking Day was hosted by Cathy of Bread Baking Experience..., which was started by Zorra of Kochpotf I  wanted to make this after I had a taste of this combination, wherein I couldn't stop eating.., it was so awesome...

600 gms flour (white bread flour)
10 oz / 250 gms butter
4 eggs
1 tbsp Yeast
3 oz/100ml milk
1/2 tsp salt
30 oz/ 80 gms sugarMETHOD
Dilute yeast in the warm milk and leave it for some time so that it starts to rise, then Take flour, salt, sugar and mix well then add yeast and add eggs one by one in a bowl and beat it then  mix well with the flour and then add butter softened little by little and this dough would be very soft and very difficult to handle, allow it to rise.
Once raised put them in pots and allow it to rise again the second time then Bake them in a preheated oven at 160 degrees/Gas Mark 3 until well done, that is the skewer comes out clean.
The Best thing was my brioche couldn't go up very well and burnt slightly as you can see because it hit the top of the oven which I later noticed and had to change the stacks!!, what did I learn from this, that I should check out the rise of the dough when it is baking!!

I have shown some of my fillings here in each pot

Green pot has a chocolate filling

Pink has just the patisserie filling

 Yellow pot has Nut filling

All my fillings are getting ready to go into the pots for a raise....

1 Pint Milk
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tbsp of pure vanilla extract

Boil Milk in a medium heat with vanilla extract, Break eggs beat it with sugar, whisk well and then add flour and whisk again, Pour boiled milk little by little then put it back on the stove, stir continuously until it thickens use it immediately or cover it with wrap and store in the refrigerator.

Ref: Joy of baking and videos in Google!! check out, you have many videos out there..., I did a little bit alteration like adding little less butter, and used flour to manage the dough as it was too difficult to handle!!

One more click of the Gorgeous bread...

I have lost Vanilla cre'me patisserie photos, My card reader is not reading!!, once I get it sorted out maybe I would able to post it 🙁
Anyway, I don't think Cathy is going to accept my post as it is past midnight, My comp got stuck again, and I couldn't post it on time...,
Now, I will be able to write leisurely about my saga of this recipe, I had no pots today morning I bought these pots!!!, I had thought of getting dough ready and then I will go and buy some pot today, and then I noticed I had no plain flour at all, So, I did all my shopping in the afternoon came home by half three and started off with everything, having difficulty in raising the dough everything went well, and I baked them by around 10:45 in the night and I was ready with the post, I must thank my daughter who helped me in taking photos and got everything ready for me to post but with computer getting stuck I got into all sorts of problems and she helped with that too.., I owe this recipe to her!!, sorry Cathy I tried my best and I was not able to do it on time!!, maybe next time..
I would also like to send this to Yeast spotting and champa's Baking event.

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Petit Pains Au Lait Sun, 31 Jan 2010 23:59:00 +0000 I am an ardent lover of this Blog, and I love her blog, she is my inspiration and mentor in my baking and the experiences going through each time I bake something, and I love it!!, Many many thanks to her. So....? , wondering who she is, that is Aparna of My Diverse Kitchen, well,...

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I am an ardent lover of this Blog, and I love her blog, she is my inspiration and mentor in my baking and the experiences going through each time I bake something, and I love it!!, Many many thanks to her. So....? , wondering who she is, that is Aparna of My Diverse Kitchen, well, I have joined so many groups just to bake, I told Aparna once that the only way I could start baking was joining these groups!!, she encouraged me and wrote to me that I should take everything at an easy pace and here I am, enjoying the art of baking!!, thanks, Aparna, for your encouragement.
Coming back to my Bread, every time I wanted to post something to the #BBD (Bread Baking Day), which is for the January 2010, Baking Bread for a Birthday Party hosted by Jamie of Life is a feast. Again I should say I went to her blog some time ago when we baked for Daring Bakers challenge, I was so amazed by her write-ups and the photographs she posts which are so apt to her write-ups, you must visit her blog, you will definitely love it, and her baking & photography are too good too.., As I wanted to participate in this I baked these small french rolls(?), well not exactly I did not make them into rolls, because I forgot the title!!!! :), to send it to her birthday party, I hope she might at least give a glance to it.  I couldn't think anything as I had just a day left and here the weather is cold, it takes such long hours for the dough to raise!!, Thank God!, this one did within a day, I made the dough yesterday and it raised by evening today!! and the second rise was also quite quick actually and apparently I baked it just around 9:30 in the night !!
I love these French bread, they are made of milk and they are quite sweet, like the ones I get in Bangalore, the Brioche rolls are so nice. Someday I want to try them.
I made this from a Book by Christine Ingram and Jennie Shapter and is called The Book of Bread. They say that These are classic French round milk rolls have a soft crust and a light, slightly sweet crumb, and says won't last long!!, Well, should I say it was quite true, My kids loved it and wanted to eat two more!!, I had to stop them as it was late in the night and they had their dinner already.
I was so happy that it turned out quite well, soft inside and of all the things I always dread is has it baked well, and it actually was, thank God!! for that, My hubby said it was quite nice and does go well with coffee. Jamie I do not know you like it not or not but I made this for you, even though I can't send it you, wishing you a very happy birthday, and many more birthdays to come is to you.....



  • 450 gms/4cups unbleached white Bread flour
  • 10ml/2tsp salt (1 tsp salt)
  • 15ml/1 tbsp Caster sugar (1/4 cup caster sugar)
  • 50gm/2 oz/ 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 15g/1/2 oz fresh yeast (1 tbsp fast action yeast)
  • 280 ml/ 1 cup milk, lukewarm
  • extra milk for glazing
  1. Lightly grease 2 baking sheets. sift the flour and salt together into a large bowl.  Stir in the sugar.  Rub the softened butter into the flour.
  2. To 4 tbsp of lukewarm milk add yeast whisk it well and leave it to froth up, then add the remaining milk, then pour into the mixture and mix into a soft dough.
  3. Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead for 8 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with lightly oiled clear film and leave to rise, in a warm place, for 1 to 1 & 1/2 hour or until it is doubled in bulk.
  4. Turn out the dough on to a lightly floured surface and gently knock back, Divide into 12 equal pieces, shape into balls and place them on the baking sheets giving them space to rise again
  5. Using a sharp knife, cut across in the top of each roll, cover with lightly oiled clear film and leave to rise, in a warm place, for about 20  minutes, or until double in size.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees/400 degree F/ Gas Mark 6.  Brush the rolls with milk and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until Golden.
My verdict: They were lovely to handle but the only variation I did was as I have indicated next to the ingredients in red colour and then I made them into small squares, at one end I put chocolate chips folded half way through then placed some more chocolate chips on them and folded the other end of it by covering the chocolate chips on the top of it and made it into long rolls tapered at either end and slashed the top not too much as indicated as they were so fluffy.  As I told I used more sugar than the quantity indicated and less salt, I wanted it bit sweeter as it goes well with the family trend.

One another thing I wanted to send by baking to yeast spotting of wild yeast, So, here I am sending this to Yeast Spotting.

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