Comments on: Tangzhong (Water Roux) for Bread Baking and my take on that Healthy, Hearty and tasty wholesome food Recipes of your choice Tue, 30 Aug 2022 19:08:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayasri Ravi Tue, 30 Aug 2022 19:08:12 +0000 In reply to JZ.

I do bake sourdough bread but I haven't posted them. sourdough can be used instead of yeast definitely. I haven't posted any dhokla mix recipe in my blog, I will try and post it as soon as possible.

By: Jayasri Ravi Tue, 30 Aug 2022 19:01:42 +0000 In reply to JZ.

I think you can try using it! I haven't used it though

By: JZ Tue, 23 Nov 2021 03:31:48 +0000 Hi Jayasri
Please let me know if i can make Ragi malt as my roux and continue with the rest of the recipe.
Is it possible to use sourdough in lieu of yeast

Do you have any sourdough bread recipe
Dhokla mix recipe?
appreciate your response

By: JZ Sat, 20 Nov 2021 04:29:32 +0000 Hi Jayasri
Can we use ragi malt for the roux as it is the same principle i think
appreciate your advice

By: Farzana Tue, 27 Nov 2012 04:33:57 +0000 Hi Jayasri ! Thanks so much for getting back to me! The flour I usually use is whole wheat flour. I am excited to hear about your results 🙂 Thanks so much and I cant wait to hear back from you ! I havent been using my scale lately. I used to use it a lot for gluten free baking. But what I do is fill the flour in my measuring cup using a small cup and then level it using a back of a knife so I get equal amounts all the time (or as close as possible each time) Please do let me know how it worked out. I am just really curious to see if this roux makes a difference in my bread loaves. THANKS

By: Jayasri Ravi Sun, 25 Nov 2012 13:55:54 +0000 In reply to Farzana.

Hi Farzana,

First of all, I want to know is are you using bread flour ( white/whole meal) or All purpose flour, I just saw your comment, so I thought I will bake your recipe and check out how much I would like to add the water roux if you want OR I would suggest looking at the recipe how much I would add is ...
sorry yaar, I always use Bread flour and usually measure in grams rather than cups so I am trying to convert and see what I would have done.... ???
Hmmm..., ( don't laugh)..

3 cups flour would be around 403 grams (UK calculation) / (381 grams US Cal)
I would add around 1/4 cup of the roux 32 grams ( US)
I would add around 1/4 cup of the roux 34 grams (UK)

So, If I take around 425 grams I would add 50 grams of roux to the bread flour

Remember this is very important you are going to add Roux to the flour..,
Take the flour, yeast - 2 tbsp water for yeast, 2 tbsp oil and 2 tbsp Honey with your roux starter. Combine them all well together then start adding water, as the roux has already water content in it, you will require very less water than the 1 cup of water you have indicated in your recipe
This you will come to know when you combine all the above ingredients then start adding water to make a soft dough. start with a 1/4 cup water..
If by chance if you have added extra water like ....
An other 2 to 3 tbsp of extra water wouldn't make any problem as you knead water usually gets absorbed in the process. As little extra water doesn't give any problems as helps in Hydration of the dough and gets absorbed because of the gluten content in the flour.

As I was planning to bake bread today for my kids lunch box, I will try your recipe and see how it works out... and update you...

Hope all this helps, if you need any other clarification please do write to me..

cheers and thanks

By: Farzana Sun, 25 Nov 2012 07:53:51 +0000 Hi there! I wanted to ask you how much of this would I use in my bread recipe that I use now, which has 3 cups flour and 1 cup liquid (plus 2 TBSP oil, 2 TBSP honey) and how much of my liquids from my recipe do I have to omit?? I would appreciate your help

By: Priya Sat, 23 Jun 2012 12:37:48 +0000 Thanks for this wonderful post, definitely useful for many of us.
